
10 Strongest Dog Breed In The World You Don't Know

  10 Strongest Dog Breed In The World  Here are the strongest dog breeds in the world and their origins. 1. Kangal (Turkey): The Kangal dog breeds are known for their strength and protective nature, Kangals are originally Turkey 2. Saint Bernard (Switzerland): These gentle giants were originated from Swiss Alps and are known for their strength and rescue abilities. 3. Rottweiler (Germany): Originally, the Rottweilers are from Germany. They are known for their strong and versatile working abilities. 4. English mastiff (England): With their massive size, English mastiff are one of the strongest dog breeds and have their roots in England.  5. Serbian Husky (Russia): Although not as bulky as some other breeds, Siberian huskies are incredibly strong sled dogs from Russia.  6. Newfoundland (Canada): The Newfoundland breed hails from the beautiful country of Canada. They were originally bred for water rescue and have incredible strength and swimming abilities. 7. Great Dane (Germany): As the

Rottweiler Vs Boerboel: Facts,Differences and Similarities

  Rottweiler Vs Boerboel: Facts,Differences and Similarities Difference Between Rottweiler and Boerboel Rottweiler and Boerboel dog breeds are one of the largest dogs in the world. These breeds are mostly used to protect the environment in other words as “guard dogs”. They are also found to be loyal breeds and submissive to their owners. These breeds although have some major differences of which appearance is one. Their coat colour is different; the Boerboels have colours like brindle, tawny, brown and red-brown colours while the Rottweilers are black and patched with brown. photo by Xtra Von Ruelmann Similarities between the Rottweiler and the Boerboel Breed The Rottweilers are originally from the large drover dogs of Rome, used as war dogs by the roman army. In the 19th century, this breed became popular as security dogs. They are also known as companions. In terms of body structures, the male is seen to be larger weighing about 43-61 kgs while the female weighs about 37-46 kgs. In t

Samoyed Breed: 5 differences between Samoyed and American Eskimo

5 differences between Samoyed and American Eskimo  Samoyed and Eskimo breeds are known for their fluffy white coats and friendly characters. However, there are some dissimilarities between them. Samoyed is larger in body size compared to the Eskimo breed which is more compact and smaller. In addition, Samoyed are more outgoing and sociable in nature, while Eskimos can be reserved and independent. Nonetheless, both breeds are wonderful companions and extraordinary with families. Samoyed coats come in a solid white or cream color and fluffy coat that is amazing to those who see it. They also have smaller triangular ears and bigger fluffy tails. The Eskimos only come with small ears and curled tails. Fluffy coat but not as thick as the samoyed. Samoyed are bred for hunting and herding reindeer in Siberia and to pull sleds. The eskimos are bred for farming and herding though also used for performing in circuses. The Samoyed breed are always alert, friendly and ideal for families with young

Why Do Cats Hate Water

Why Cats Water?  A dislike of water is one of the most prominent traits of household cats. However, this isn't true of all cats. Several big cats, such as tigers, normally put up with dip to cool off or search for prey. Some household breeds are known to enjoy swimming when the opportunity comes. Swimming cat However, household cats will go to great lengths to avoid getting wet. Some behaviorists have developed a number of theories to explain its reason. One suggests that because the breeds grew up in dry environments and are not exposed to rivers or lakes. These are the factors they are strange with and should be avoided.  Scottish fold Moreover, water's effect on their fur is the reason why cats dislike getting wet. Wet fur is uncomfortable and takes a while to dry, making cats less agile and more sensitive to predators. Cats are careful creatures, that can be an important part of their day to self-care through grooming. Wet fur is extremely uncomfortable for cats and often t

Bengal Cats: 14 facts about bengal cats

  14 facts about bengal cats Bengal cats are a unique and beautiful breed among those domestic cats. Bengal cats are originally from Asia, specifically from the region of India and Bangladesh. They have a wild appearance with their distinctive coat patterns resembling those of their wild ancestors, the Asian leopard cats. Bengal cats are known for their athleticism, intelligence and energetic nature. They make wonderful companions for those who provide them with plenty of exercise, love and affection. Here are 14 facts about bengal cats: Bengal cats are known for their striking coat patterns which resemble those of their wild ancestors “The Asian Leopard cat”. They are muscular and athletic in body structure, this makes them agile and strong in having great jump power. This unique breed is intelligent and can be trained to do tricks and even walk on a leash. Bengal cats are highly energetic and they require plenty of exercise and mental stimulation. This special breed loves water and m

Top 10 Strangest Cat breeds; Cat breeds you will love to know

  Top 10 Strangest Cat Breeds Cats have a unique charm that makes them lovable. Their cute paws and pink noses capture our hearts like nothing else. But, although all cats are cute and have their own special qualities, certain breeds have some pretty unusual features that make them stand out from the rest. Cat breeds you will love to know Cats have over 200 breeds, with about 3-5% purebred kitties. Cats are fascinating creatures with a beautiful history. They’ve been domesticated for thousands of years and have become beloved companions to humans. Did you know that cats have a unique way of communicating with each other and with us? They use a combination of body language, vocalizations, and scent marking to express themselves. And let’s not forget about their incredible agility and hunting skills. Cats have a keen sense of balance and are known for their ability to land on their feet, thanks to their flexible spines and inner ear structures. They also have retractable claws that help