Dog in heat: circle and heat process


Dog mating and heat circle, how to introduce your dogs to mating

Photo Credit: Breed Business

Introducing dogs to mating is difficult, especially when it is their first time. It is not appropriate to force your dogs to mate, you should make it flow naturally. 
New dog breeders with zero experience need a little knowledge about dog mating and heat circulation. This process will help prepare you on how to mate your dog whether it is a male or a female.

Let Them Meet Before The Mating Period

Meeting the opposite sex is very necessary when introducing your dog to mating. Interaction between the male and the female can be unpredictable so, you need to be cautious while introducing them. It is also important to make your dogs meet before the final day so that there will be enough period for them to interact. Relationship between them is very necessary. This can set the stage for mating between the dogs. Bear in mind that the age, breed, and attitude of your dog are important during the mating period this will help determine the quality of the litter.

If your dog is aggressive, it is advisable to introduce them early. This will bring comfort and acceptance of a cordial relationship before the mating day. Introducing your dogs early will ease the stress of anxiety toward the mating partner. As a breeder, you should then be able to analyze if the male and the female dogs share a pleasant disposition which will be passed to the litter after mating. It's important to make your dogs relate well and get socially attached at the early stage of mating, they will get acquainted with each other and ease the mating process. 

The early meeting will help you to know the possibility of your dog mating and to make a critical analysis of the result of their mating. Also, you should make sure your dog is healthy, this is important for a good result after your dog gets pregnant and gives birth.  Introducing your bitch should fall around day 9 of her heat period.

Take Note Of Your Female dog’s Heat Circle

You should ensure to take note of your female dog’s heat circle. Noting your female dog’s heat circle creates a knowledge of when she can be introduced to her partner. At least one week before mating, dog owners should introduce their dogs (male and female). At this point, the dogs will get to know each other and communicate.

When she gets to day 9 of her heat circle, that will be the best period for mating. By then, the female will be ready for mating. This is when she will invite the male for mating. You should keep an eye on her as well, so she won't mate wrongly. The mating day should be for 3 days depending on your agreement with the male owner. your bitch should mate and be successfully pregnant.

You should also observe if things are going naturally between the dogs. If the dogs are going naturally, you should allow them to do their thing freely without distractions. Dogs can get distracted even in the presence of their owners, especially the playful one's should be kept out of sight. 

Leash Your Dogs and Choose a Secure Environment for Mating

Leashing your dog is important when introducing your female dog to her mating partner. This will help to control her in case of showing an aggressive feast. While on a leash, your dog can also interact but might not be comfortable enough. But unleashing her, she will be free with her mating partner and have the freedom of interacting and playing and also, have a quick bonding. This will help for successful mating.

Choosing a secure environment is very important as it will help administer a successful mating, even when introducing your female dog to her partner, she will feel accommodated and adapt to her new environment. The best place to mate with your dog is at the male dog's house because male dogs are territorial. Taking them outside their comfort zone might cause distraction when mating especially in an environment where other dogs are.

Ideally, you should look out for an environment that is private with enough space for them to be free and enjoy themselves,  let them get to know each other first and when she is ready she will allow the male dog to lick her vulva. She will stay still and give room for mating. This is when the male dog will now have the opportunity to mate her, he mounts her from behind until he penetrates and gets locked.


Dog mating is quite difficult but you need to take it slowly and not rush them. When you observe your female dog in her heat circle, take a serious watch on her, introduce her to the male dog, and let them get to know each other. When the time is right for them to mate, bring them together and allow the mating to flow naturally.

In most cases, younger first-time female dogs tend not to be ready at this point. It is important to keep an eye on them and assist them in the process. Talk to your dogs calmly and pacify them, shouting will scare them. They should be relaxed and avoid any form of anxiety as it can distract the dogs from focusing on their business (mating). Assisting them while mating will help during penetration, and this will help in locking them.

Source: Breeders' business


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